mymajors مشغل

Contact Us

If you are a college or university, contact us to learn more about our services to help enrollment, student success, and persistence on campus.

MyMajors Enhancements

When MyMajors was created more than 10 years ago it was basically "just" a rudimentary version of the online quiz that students still take today.

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My Majors

The Long Beach City College MyMajors career assessment instrument is one of the many ways we offer to assist you with this decision. MyMajors considers your academic achievements, interests, and personality to recommend top majors that appear to fit you best and ones that you might be interested in pursuing while in college.


If this is your first-time logging in and you have not created a password, follow the link below.

MyMajors for Advisors

MyMajors addresses the national crisis in college completion by providing students with a better tool for choosing the right Major, College and Careers. The free assessment software for high schools and counselors surveys academic aptitude, grades, achievement tests, course enjoyment, interests and personality and is free to students …


MyMajors recommends CSU majors based upon a student's academic achievement (grades, interest in courses, ACT/SAT scores), interest and personality. Take a 15-minute assessment quiz and see best-fit CSU majors ranked in order.

Discover Your Best-Fit Major

Finding a major that aligns with your interests, strengths, and aspirations can set the tone for your college experience. A best-fit major: Enhances your engagement and motivation in your coursework. Minimizes course changes, saving time and money. Offers a clearer trajectory for your post-graduation pursuits.

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برنامج كيوكيو بلاير عربي لتشغيل الفيديو والصوت مجانا | QQPlayer

برنامج كيوكيو بلاير مشغل الميديا 2020، تطبيق مجاني يساعدك على تشغيل مقاطع الفيديو و الافلام و تشغيل الموسيقى، يمكنك تشغيل جميع صيغ الفيديو و الصوت وملفات الترجمة بدون الحاجة الى حزم الكودكس الخارجية، ايضا يمكنك تشغيل ...


15 minutes. Matches you to CCRI majors, pathways, and transfer programs at URI and RIC.


Director of Operations at MyMajors. Graduate from the University of Missouri - Marketing Major.

About MyMajors

About MyMajors. Our mission is to assist students in identifying majors that fit them best. We provide student-friendly assessment technology and access to information about a variety of majors at a broad range of institutions.

Discover Your Best-Fit Major

Finding a major that aligns with your interests, strengths, and aspirations can set the tone for your college experience. A best-fit major: Enhances your engagement and motivation …

Unlocking the Mystery of Meta Majors: Your Ultimate

Let me introduce you to the magic of Meta Majors – possibly your secret sauce to untangle that major decision web and find your academic groove. Let's get into it!


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MyMajors for Higher Education Leaders

MyMajors offers solutions for higher education that build students confidence and major selection.

United States Air Force Academy

Specific costs, deadlines, policies, majors and programs are subject to change, so please confirm important details with college admission personnel. List of Instructional Programs Offered at United States Air Force Academy.

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يعتبر مشغل الاسطورة ضروري جداً لتشغيل الفيديوهات والمباريات عبر برنامج الاسطورة تي في بجودة عالية جداً. هكذا بعد تحميل مشغل الفيديوهات الاسطورة ostora tv video player سوف يمكنك تشغيل أي فيديو بأي صيغة بجودة عالية جداً على ...

What Should I Major in? Create your college and career plan

Using web-based assessment technology and artificial intelligence, MyMajors matches students to their best-fit majors at your college. The result is that students engaging in the right majors on your campus enroll, persist, and graduate in four-years at up to 22% higher rates than the national average. We are not a traditional assessment.

أفضل 15 مشغل MP3 متاح لأجهزة الكمبيوتر الشخصية وأجهزة كمبيوتر Mac

هذه مراجعة ومقارنة غير متحيزة لأفضل 15 مشغل MP3 لمساعدتك على الاستمتاع بأغانيك وألبوماتك المفضلة على Windows 10/8/7 / XP / Vista و Mac OS X.

My Majors

The Long Beach City College MyMajors career assessment instrument is one of the many ways we offer to assist you with this decision. MyMajors considers your …

15 أفضل مشغل فيديو (وسائط) لـ Windows 10

استمتع بتجربة تشغيل الوسائط بسلاسة مع أفضل مشغل فيديو مجاني لـ Windows ومتوافق مع جميع صيغ الفيديو!


MyMajors For Counselors. Advice, resources, worksheets, & lesson plans for High School Counselors. Home; Quiz; Blog. Counselors Blog; Majors. Find Your Major ...

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What Should I Major in? Create your college and career plan

MyMajors can make an immediate impact in admissions, orientation, first-year advising, changing majors, career services, and retention and graduation initiatives.


Find Your Major. Planning

College Major Quiz

What College Major is Right for You? After taking this assessment, you will be recommended the top majors, colleges and careers based on your academic achievements, interests and personality.

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